RFN Advisory Group believes good business planning incorporates a foundation of value building and an owner and leadership team with growth mindsets.

Growing enterprise value comes down to building a best-in-class business primed for growth and efficiency.

Building enterprise value increases options for a business as it grows, matures and thrives.

Value building focuses on improving the inherent value drivers within a business and reducing or mitigating the value killers found in a business. Once a business is “firing on all cylinders” owners and leadership teams can focus on getting ready for next.

Being best-in-class offers a company the options to determine its own future. Want to grow? Want to diversify? Want to buy a competitor to grow? Want to sell part of the operation? Want to sell and start something new? Options are much greater when a business has enterprise value.

RFN Advisory Group believes there are seven, key value domains to build enterprise value and accelerate operational excellence:

  • Discovery featuring leadership team interviews and focusing on either:

    • Operational assessment

    • Pricing study to benchmark against peers

    • Transition options analysis if there is interest in learning options for future transition

  • Culture of Value Creation

  • Rapid Risk Reduction

  • Company of the Future

  • Productivity Accelerator

  • Sales and Marketing Accelerator

  • Financial Accelerator

  • Leadership Accelerator

Intentional focus on these value domains in concentrated 90-day sprints results in the adoption of sustainable, long-term practices and ultimately, enhanced success.

RFN Advisory Group team members have years of experience helping business owners grow the enterprise value of their businesses and open doors to future possibilities.

No matter what your motivation to build value in your business is, RFN Advisory Group will work with you and your team to accelerate your growth and operational excellence. Feel free to reach out to us to chat about where you are and where you want to go.